Context As winter break approached, our district math unit had us exploring decimal relationships (including addition and subtraction of decimals). Our PYP unit was Sharing the Planet, and our central idea for the unit was "Power depends on available resources." I've been wanting to do some LARP (Live Action Role Playing) all year, but haven't been able to write anything amazing. My Dream Vacation project was a short, pulled-together activity that addressed the decimal practice, the unit theme, and a smidgen of LARP (I sort of love using that as its own noun).
My class has been using a great thinking routine called Which One Doesn't Belong (check out the #WODB hashtag on Twitter for lots of examples), which asks students to practice logical thinking, and to communicate using mathematical language.
You can project the four choices and have students signal a number from 1 to 4 to show which one they think doesn't belong, and then call on a student to give reasoning. You can also ask students to move to four corners of the room, share their reasoning for choosing that option with other people in that corner, and then share out to the whole group. You can also use it as a written check / ticket out the door activity to get a measure of individual thinking. I decided to extend this activity by taking it into our maker space this past week so students could build their own options. (So much fun, right?) |
Jamie Wright
I've had the privilege of working with hundreds of students and families in IA, CT, NC, MO, TX, and Canada. I love being a teacher-librarian! Categories
May 2024