The False Prince -
Grades 6 & up
Iceberg A Night Divided Mark of a Thief Rescue Resistance The Scourge The Traitor's Game (series) Words on Fire |
Book Summary:
With attitude to spare and a talent for making mischief, Sage might be the last person you'd expect to be forced into anything. However, he finds himself collected from an orphanage and pressed into a deception. Can he pass for nobility? His life depends on it. The next four books in this series are: Book Review: This is my favorite trilogy by Nielsen (at least, so far). It's a page-turning adventure with plenty of twists and turns to keep readers guessing. Although it's not a comedy, Sage's talent for flinging insults at enemies will amuse most readers . . . and Sage has a talent for collecting enemies. If you appreciate snarky, skilled protagonists, it would be wise to have the next book on hand so you don't have to wait to keep reading. Note for advanced readers: some violent scenes make this better suited for readers in 6th grade and up; probably not a good fit for most readers younger than fourth grade. "As a boy he had been spoiled and disagreeable. Perhaps the same was true of me, but at least I had charm." |
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