Morning Star
Book Summary:
This story alternates chapters to tell two separate stories. Flower and her family are making a dangerous journey to Canada to escape slavery. Felicia has just moved to a new school and is trying to make new friends. Book Review: Both girls have compelling stories, so the book is fast-paced. The only trouble with the alternating perspectives is that every time one chapter ends, there is momentary irritation at not being able to continue with that story. Many students will relate to Felicia's struggles as the new person at school, missing friends from her old city and learning to fit in to new clubs and expectations. Readers will hardly be able to put the book down during Flower's chapters, as she and her family endure one challenge after another on their long journey to freedom. The vocabulary is not very demanding, and the story does not contain many layers, but it offers many valuable topics for discussion and will be accessible to a wide range of readers. "When they reached the drive, she saw her father, trussed with rope, lying on the ground. Someone kicked him." |
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