Go Big or Go Home
Grades 5 & up
Action / Adventure
with a Fantasy Twist |
Book Summary:
Brady is awakened one night by a meteorite that slams through his roof and lands on his bedroom floor. He accidentally acquires super-human strength and speed, which allows him to finally perform better than his cousin in biking, video games, and one-on-one. Things get complicated when Brady learns that the meteorite is extremely valuable, especially since he knows his neighbors would be more than happy to claim it as their own. It turns out that there is also a scary side effect to the super powers . . . one that could make to Brady's worst nightmare come true. Book Review: It's hard to imagine a reader who wouldn't find this book interesting, but it holds particular appeal for those who appreciate active lifestyles (biking, fishing, basketball, hiking, and stunts). The relationship between male junior high students has a lot of authenticity: the friendly cousins have a natural sense of competition whether they are biking, shooting hoops, or playing video games. The would-be bullying neighbors are also crafted with more subtlety than a typical hulking brute out to steal lunch money from the protagonist on his way to school. "Go Big or Go Home quote" |
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