Bud, Not Buddy
Grades 5 & up
Historical Fiction
Book Summary:
After his mother's death, 10-year-old Bud lives in a "home" for children until he goes to a foster family. The other child is mean, and Bud is forced to spend a night in the family's shed. He decides to go look for his father - a man he has never met. All he has is a suitcase with a few clues about who his father might be, in addition to some pretty good manners and a lot of determination. Book Review: This book skillfully includes details about life in the 1930's (Michigan) into the story. Bud is a character readers will root for. Bud is a character readers will root for. While Bud's journey involves many stops and different people, the action is not under-the-covers-with-a-flashlight compelling; it's better suited to read and discuss in small groups to appreciate the nuances. "If an adult tells you not to worry, and you weren't worried before, you better hurry up and start 'cause you're already running late." |
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