Book Summary:
Take three smart kids and a sock puppet, add their father, who is inventing a time travel machine, plus a dog who is able to sense danger . . . and you haven't even met half of the characters in this book. There are secret agents, circus performers, villains, regular neighborhood people, and a chimpanzee with an unusual fondness for goldfish. Book Review: This is a very funny, fast-paced, clever story. The author makes frequent asides to the audience, and intersperses bits of advice to the reader throughout the book. Conceptually, some of the content is a bit advanced, and so is the vocabulary. The story manages to be funny without relying on bathroom humor or rude children; instead it offers word play and surprises. The characterization does not have a lot of depth, but none of the characters are typical stereotypes. With so much action and humor, it's hard to imagine a reader who wouldn't appreciate this book. ""If I could give you all just one word of advice, it would be, well . . . an incomplete sentence." |
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