The Maze Runner - series
Book Summary:
You wake up in a box, surrounded by a bunch of other boys, and you can't remember who you are. Thomas finds himself in exactly that situation, and as he becomes familiar with his surroundings, every answer only leads to new questions. Is someone controlling the boys? Or are they the last human beings on Earth? This is the first book in a trilogy. Book Review: This book is action-packed, with a level of violence comparable to The Hunger Games. While the book touches on ethics issues as the group (and individuals) try to determine who to trust and how to proceed, the plot drives the story far more than the characters. The end is disappointing because it leaves so many critical questions unanswered, and not in an exciting, I-can't-wait-to-read-the-next-book kind of way. This is more of a why-didn't-the-author-finish-the-book situation. Several pressing questions raised in the story remain unresolved, so this book feels more like Part 1 of a larger story than a novel in its own right. The violence in this book may be scary or disturbing for some readers. "He remembered lots of little things about life - eating, clothes, studying, playing, general images of the makeup of the world. But any detail that would fill in the picture to create a true and complete memory had been erased somehow. It was like looking at an image through a foot of muddy water." |
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